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For the past century, the Bonneville Salt Flats west of the Great Salt Lake have been a popular destination for thrill seekers, mechanics, and engineers determined to test the maximum speed of their motor vehicle or even break a land speed record.  Formed by the...

The ten commandments of the Old Testament in Latin, Czech, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Slovak designed as a cross. Master bookbinder Jan Bohuslav Sobota (1939-2012) was born in Czechoslovakia. He studied binding in Pilzen and Prague until 1957. In 1982 he defected...

JOHN’S RENDEZVOUS SAN FRANCISCO WINE LIST San Francisco, CA: 1940 Beverage list from “John’s Rendezvous,” a San Francisco restaurant opened by John Sobrato at 50 Osgood Place during the Prohibition. By the 1940s the restaurant had gained a reputation for its food and was considered by many...

Fleur-de-neige et d’autres contes de Grimm Paris: L’Edition d’art, 1929 French translation of twelve Brothers Grimm fairy tales, including “Hansel and Gretel,” “Rumplestiltskin,” “The Fisherman and His Wife,” “Briar Rose,” “The Goose Girl,” “The Little Brave Tailor,” “The Six Swans,” and “The Juniper Tree.” Illustrated with full-page...

Hello everyone! The summer has really flown by already, and as we’re ramping up for Fall semester, we’re constantly trying to build and improve services here at the Library. During the course of the semester we’ve been working with several students to implement Raspberry Pi’s...

Since 2010, I have been the Audio Projects Librarian in the Marriott Library. Over the years I have been asked, from time to time, if there was a way to digitize “dead formats”. A format “dies” when the average consumer no longer maintains or possesses...

Evolution and Imagination in Victorian Children’s Literature Jessica Straley Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016 From the publisher: “Evolutionary theory sparked numerous speculations about human development, and one of the most ardently embraced was the idea that children are animals recapitulating the ascent of the species. After Darwin’s Origin...