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“The Mexican paintings, a very small number of which has reached our times, excite a double interest, both from the light they throw on the mythology and history of the first inhabitants of America, and the apparent connexion with the hieroglyphical writing of certain nations...

HE KAINE DIATHEKE, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Wigorniae, Massachusettensi: excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun, 1800 Editio Prima Americana This is the first American printing of the Greek New Testament, considered a milestone in American printing history. Isaiah Thomas’ printing shop was dubbed “the sedition factory,” during the American Revolution. Thomas moved his...

      “A catt may look on a king” Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish… James Howell (1594? – 1666) London: Printed by J.G. for Samuel Thompson, 1660 First and only edition James Howell, born in Wales and educated at Oxford, began his literary career in 1640 with the political allegory, Dendrologia: Dodona’s...

«Лолита , свет моей жизни , огонь моих чресел . Грех mой , душа моя . Ло -ли –та…” Лолита Владимир Набоков (1899-1977) New York: Phaedra, Inc., Publishers, 1967 First hardcover edition in Russian First published in Paris in 1955, then in New York City in 1958 and...