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By TJ Ferrill The new entrance to ProtoSpace 2751 is a floor-to-ceiling glass wall, located in place of what used to be the course reserves desk. This glass wall and door serves to block sound from the noisy hallway, and create a more welcoming entrance for...

The Rare Books Department welcomes U back to school! Do you have your textbooks ready? How about your reading primers? Primers were a type of textbook that taught students how to read. Initially, they contained "primary" or fundamental religious materials. Reference to primers appears in English...

Aren't animals the best? We think so too. In fact, here's some film recommendations from Joni Clayton that are all available for free for current University of Utah students, staff, and faculty....

"Mientras más de arte tiene un oficio más caballero hace al artesano.” “The more artistic a craft, the richer the craftsperson.” — José Martí Como Angel Cierto Digdora Alonso Matanzas, Cuba: Ediciones Vigía (Colección de San Juan), 1987 PQ7390 A429 C66 1987 Limited edition of 200 copies In 1985, Alfredo Zaldívar gained access...

There's a new way to checkout library materials available now to all with a current UCard. There are two self-checkout stations that are now located at each of the entrances (Levels 1 & 3) near the security desks....

When 21-year-old Kevin Jenkins returned from his LDS mission in Ecuador, he promised himself he would not let his hard-won Spanish language skills deteriorate. He completed a B.A. in Spanish Translation at Brigham Young University, then went on to serve his local LDS church as...

When April arrives, we know that daffodils will soon be emerging from their winter’s sleep, encouraging us to envision the spring time beauty of Utah. As I watch the new blooms’ triumphant return, I am reminded that Earth Day is just around the corner and...

“Imagination, of course, can open any door - turn the key and let terror walk right in.” ― Truman Capote, In Cold Blood Melcher Hedloffs sonst Schütze=Melcher genannt… verübete und begangene Mord=Thaten. Melchior Hedloff (1606-1654) Wrocław (Breslau), G. Gründer at the Baumann Printing Shop for K. Klosemann 1654 Over the...