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“Non ex libris solum, sed ex rebus ipsis scientiam quaeritis.” Gvilielmi gilberti colcestrensis, medici londinensis, de magnete magneticisqve corporibvs, et de magno magnete tellure; phsiologia noua, plurimis & argumentis, & experimentis demonstrata William Gilbert (1540-1603) Londini: excvdebat P. Short, 1600 First edition QC751 G44 1600 This the only published work of...

“[Joseph] Banks reported in 1788 to the British East India Company that the climate in parts of northeast India was perfect for growing Camillia sinensis, the bush that produces tea leaves. The plant turned out to be indigenous to the Assam area, which eventually became...

““The highest mountain, the oldest books, the strangest people, there you will find the stone.” — Attributed to Athanasius Kircher Athanasii Kircheri Societatis Iesu Magnes; sive, de arte magnetica Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) Romae: sumptibus Blasii Deuersin, & Zanobii Masotti Bibliopolarum typis Vitalis Mascarditypis V. Mascardi, MDCLIV (1654) Third and...