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“--Why me? --That is a very Earthling question to ask, Mr. Pilgrim. Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber? --Yes. --Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no...

"The noblest acquisition of mankind is speech; and the most useful art is that of rendering it visible: that distinguishes Man from the brute creation...

Latinx Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th until October 15th. Joni Clayton has assembled the following list of films to celebrate. They are all available for free for current University of Utah students, staff, and faculty....

By Justin Sorensen Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have implemented many changes in how project assistance is provided. When in-person assistance was no longer an option, virtual assistance was provided through Zoom, enabling us to interactively meet and provide the support required to keep...

Latinx Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th until October 15th. Librarian Allyson Mower has gathered the following titles as recommends to celebrate the month. All titles are available through the Marriott Library....

"I've never seen her before," thought the building, squarely studying the girl across the street who, newspaper in hand, had stopped to stare. "What is she looking at, anyway?" Building Stories Chris Ware New York : Pantheon Books, 2012 PN6727 W285 B85 2012 This is a book. Or at least the title, Building Stories,...

By Luke Leither It has been an exciting couple of weeks as students, faculty, staff and the community have returned to the library. The building has never been so busy and we’ve taken the opportunity to table events and let people know all the K.W. Dumke...

"To the millions of workingmen and workingwomen of this country to who justly belongs the wealth created by them, this volume is dedicated." — Terence V. Powderly Thirty Years of Labor Terence V. Powderly (1829 - 1924) Columbus, OH: Excelsior Publishing House, 1889 First Edition HD8066 P72 Before Labor Day became...

Life can get busy, so it can be hard to keep up with the latest literature in your favorite field of study. Luckily, Librarian Allyson Mower has come up with 5 great ways to stay current....

Check out these readings from various members of our campus community. Each of them chose a passage from a book that has been banned or challenged....